Sunday, November 7, 2010

72 hour kits and Making You Own stove

A ward member approached me with wanting a list for a 72 hour kit. I told her I would email her one. Looking around I got kind of excited. Through the years we have been variously ready with our 72 hour kits. I got real excited a couple of months ago and started getting them ready again (the food in our old ones was OLD), but never got them completely put together. So now I want to share with you links I found.

Red Cross list - probably the most complete, basic list.

Emergency Binder - list or 72 hour kit items and other things such as birth certificates and passports to keep in a binder. It also has items to put in a car kit and places for emergency phone contacts. They suggest you keep this in a fire/water proof safe you can take with you.

Milk Jug 72 hour kit - This is a fun little kit that you could change to fit you. It is only the food part of the kit.

Wing Stove - While looking at the info of the milk jug kit they listed a wing stove to warm up your food. You can find these several place on the internet for various prices.

Make Your Own Stove - While looking for the wing stove I found this cool website that give you information for making a number of small, portable stoves and information about using them.

Usenet 72 hour Kit List - If you are really into preparedness you might want to check this out. It has an extensive list on putting together a 72 hour kit.

First Aid Kit - If you want to make your own instead of buy one.

72 - This is a fun little site to read and learn from.