Saturday, May 21, 2011

CDC Advice For a Zombie Apocalypse

If you have heard all the talk about an zombie apocalypse you might want to check out how the CDC (Center for Disease Control) tell how to prepare for it.  They have suggestions for both this and other emergencies like earthquakes, floods etc.

If you haven't seen any zombies in your area this may be a good time to get that 72 hour kit together if you haven't yet. You can find info for it in the link above.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Peanut Butter Frosting

You may have seen the recipe for Peanut Butter Bars that I posted some time ago. Last night I decided to make them for the stake Relief Society event, but this time I wanted peanut butter frosting. I placed the bars that I could on the plate and then left the rest for the kids to eat along with the warning that they needed to save at least one for dad. I don't think I was out the door before all, but the one were gone! So I'm going to repost the recipe for the bars along with the posting the recipe for the frosting.

Peanut Butter Bars
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar (or 1 cup white sugar + 1 T molasses)
2 eggs (2 T egg powder + 4 T water)
1 c peanut butter
2/3 t soda
2/3 t salt
2 t vanilla
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups oats

Cream butter, sugar, brown sugar and eggs. (No need to blend together egg powder and water. Just add both to the mixing bowl). Add peanut butter, soda, salt, and vanilla. Blend in flour and oats. This will be thick. Press in a jelly roll pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Adapted from Peanut Butter Fingers in the "Heartland Favorites" cookbook.

Peanut Butter Frosting

2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup milk (2 t milk powder + 1/4 cup water)
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine all ingredients and beat until smooth and creamy. Remember that you don't have to mix up the milk first. Just mix the milk powder into the powdered sugar and then add the water with the rest.

Recipe adapted from cdkitchen

Friday, May 13, 2011

Physical Health Websites

Over the years I have come across a lot of websites that have helped me with exercise.  Since physical health is a part of provident living I figured I would share them with you. All of them are free, though they may cost for more features.

Live Strong will help you track what you eat and your exercise.  It's the easiest site for doing this that I have used.  If you run or walk it will allow you to put in a "loop" of what you have done, calculate the miles for you as well as elevation (to some degree).

Local Hikes - lists hikes that are in your area.  It will give you a lot of information on how to get there, how long they are, best time to go and reviews.

While I haven't looked at the whole website I did find some great weight exercise guides on Shape Fit.  One thing I like about this site is that it has a huge list of areas to exercise (abs, biceps etc.) and then lists exercises for  each area including pictures to help you understand.

Want to try running a 5K?  Try Cool Running.  It will give you a program to run every week for 9 weeks.  Remember that if you are more out of shape that walking may be better for you at first or at least don't be afraid to repeat weeks so that you can avoid injury.

Robert Ullrey did a series of podcasts (MP3 programs) to go along with couch to 5K.  He starts you out, lets you know when to begin running and walking and includes music and encouragement.

Maybe you would just like to try walking.  Check out for walking tips, mistakes, saving money etc.  

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gluten-free Food Storage

My grandma had Celiac disease.  My mom tells me about growing up and watching grandma pop popcorn, putting it into a  bowl and pouring milk over the top just like someone would with cold cereal. She was also a type 1 diabetic so I know that things could not be easy for her diet-wise.

In recent years it has excited me to see all the gluten-free products available.  My family doesn't need them, but I think of how much easier it would have been for my grandma and am grateful those things are available to others.

I've talked with people who do food storage different because they cannot have gluten.  Everybody thinks of having a lot of wheat, but that doesn't work for the gluten-free. Reading LDS magazine I was excited to see an article on Gluten-free Storage.  I hope that it helps some of you.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Don't Let Food Storage Overwhelm You

I saw someone in the store the other day and they noticed that I had a lot of noodles in my shopping cart.  Lately I've been trying to get whole wheat noodles which have more fiber in them.  We got to talking about food storage and how overwhelming it can be.

I remember when I first decided to get a year supply of food.  I had found salt on sale. I was able to get a whole year of salt for my family for $6.27 (It would be more now).  I was excited because I may not have been able to say I had a year supply of everything, but I did have it of one thing.  That was enough to get me more excited about getting it in other things.

Since then The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints now recommends that we store 3 months of food we normally eat and then start on our year supply of basic long-term storage. So buy an extra can of soup when you go to the store.  Or an extra package or chicken breasts. Or it you're my dad, buy an extra case of ketchup.  Little by little you will get there.

Just wanted to add that if you would like to be on the cannery reminder email list (for those in my stake) please post a comment here or go the church website to get my email address and email me.  I try to email everyone on the list a day or so before the cannery, though I'm not perfect in that.